Is your cell phone putting you at risk? YES!

I don’t know if a comment I posted on a recent post of Dr. Mercola’s had anything to do with this new article or not (I’d expressed that I hoped he used a headset when he was using his mobile for calls and that he kept his phone in airplane mode when not in use…

Humans ‘magnetic’ 6th Sense…

The research results just go to prove, without actually coming out and saying it, that electromagnetic radiation from phones, wifi, radio, Dect, bluetooth…etc (including ELF’s) messes with our cognitive abilities! Note: They only got the results after putting subjects under study in a faraday cage, because that’s the only place nowadays where there’s no EMF…

2020 – it’s not that far off!

I came across the following article today, courtesy of Geoengineering Watch. Now, I’m a bit of a ‘B’ and ‘C’ class movie watcher being a prefer’er of all things not mainstream :). Just recently I watched a rather fun movie I found on YouTube called, ironically, ‘Ice 2020’. What’s interesting about this movie is that…

RF study confirms cellphone danger

This was too good an article not to share, and simply adding the link isn’t good enough as the information is incredibly important (for those who want to live a better life and who care about not just themselves but others too). I’ve moved the critical advice points to the beginning just to make it…

EMR Action Day – TODAY!

I only just got wind of this…ironically while browsing something I probably shouldn’t 😉 (Rene, I hope you don’t mind me sharing your words, it’s all in a good cause 🙂 ) The worldwide EMR Action Day is TODAY.  Switch off your Wi-Fi, tablets, and cell phones to reconnect with the earth and people!  This…

Micro:BITE…or Keep Children Safe From Wireless Technology

The BBC has announced the launch of it’s ‘BBC micro:bit’ – a revolutionary palm/pocket sized portable computer which it is generously offering to provide to each and every child between the ages of 11-12 in the UK! “Great” you might think if you’re a struggling parent, “a free computer!” However, it may not be as…

When we were kids…

I have so many things to share I just never seem to have enough time or motivation to either get it all down on paper or sort out the mess that is my ‘creative file’. I found this little ditty today which I must say has been inspired by some similar reminisces I’ve read from…

Electromagnetic Fields: The Chemical Connection

Originally posted on Our Health and Environment Blog:
written by Elise Miller, MEd CHE Director As you probably remember from your high school biology class, our bodies function using electrical impulses to communicate between cells, such as telling your heart muscles to contract or signaling your brain that you just stubbed your toe. Since everything…

French EHS Petition!

So my last post mentioned the petition in the UK to recognise EHS and it’s growing number of sufferers as a real and serious condition. Unfortunately this could only be signed by UK residents. However, there is now another petition in motion and it’s one that ANYONE can sign. Below is the text accompanying the…

UK Petition to Recognise & Support EHS Sufferers

Support individuals with Electrosensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – UK Petition (Please note that the petition can only be signed by UK residents, and is open until 12 August 2016) A friend of mine recently sent this post and asked if I’d share it. Unfortunately, only UK residents are eligible to sign this important petition…but…

ELF – not a friendly little pixie!

As I was glancing quickly over the latest YouTube offerings this morning I came across this little gem from way back (it was uploaded by NZTrillion in 2010 but is likely part of an episode of the History Channel from before then – if anyone knows what the whole episode was called I’d love to…

Blinded by Science…

Anyone trying to work out whether they are exposed to levels of electromagnetic radiation which exceed that which the body can cope with will no doubt take one look at all the measurements and decide that the experts must know what they’re talking about. Why? Because humans are like that. When things, especially technical things,…